I had an event at the Bloomberg building today and I was seriously disturbed by my experience in their bathroom. Communal bathrooms need some sort of cushioning sound - but really, a fan is sufficient. The Bloomberg building, however, submits its enclosed audience to listening to Bloomberg radio while you change your tampon. Not even Disney's Magic Kingdom, the Mecca for a name I strongly associate with subliminal indoctrination attempts, requires that you listen to 'It's a small world' while you are actively regretting having eaten that huge turkey leg just before riding Space Mountain. I've never felt like I was experiencing some weird alternate Big Brotheresque universe until tonight. After getting real-time market updates from AsiaPac, I was graciously offered eharmony services to accommodate dating into my obviously very busy Bloomberg-dominated schedule (of course the john is the best place to think about dating prospects). And that's not all! While checking myself out in the mirror on the way out, Bloomberg tv appeared all over my face. Maybe I'm overly sensitive about my bathroom time (personally, I like to take 4 minute naps in a stall when work is driving me nuts), but I have a hunch more people might appreciate this brief lonely moment of release than they would admit. And so I say to you, purveyors of employee bathroom spaces, stick to the fans.