Thursday, July 30, 2009

most shameless placement of my name on a list already including albert einstein and bill clinton

...specifically, that list of people who like to take a fucking nap. that's right, dear public - now, in addition to being a generally awesome left-handed person, bill, albert and i also share the love for an afternoon nap.

to stress the importance of naps, this ny times article states:

Napping is still often stigmatized, for example by being associated with illness or a lack of ambition. (interjection: no one should be ashamed of wanting to nap. you are not ill nor do you lack ambition. i love naps and i am a healthy, perfectly functional trilingual member of society on my way to graduate school. the entire country of spain naps and they invented bullfighting, tapas, and almodovar).

But many people, and experts, praise the benefits of a siesta or a power snooze. Confessed nappers include Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison and Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton (Me).

Napping, writes James B. Maas, a Cornell University sleep expert, “should have the status of daily exercise.” (i can honestly say that i have practiced this philosophy my entire life - primarily during Christian Lifestyles class in high school).

as i have mentioned before, i can take a nap pretty much anywhere. apparently, the founder of this place realized that my bathroom stall locale is not too uncommon, and has built a business upon the ideology that naps equal increased productivity (this makes perfect sense - my personal experience is that after an early evening nap on the weekends, i am usually far more prepared for socializing, alcohol intake, and generally feel cuter). Deeper napping research led me to this Psychology Today article which further advocates the workday nap cause.

doesn't this guy look happy? wouldn't you love to experience such blissful slumber?

naps at work??? SOLD.