Wednesday, April 7, 2010

best bittersweetness portrayed in an independent film

so about a year ago a friend asked me if i had time after work to be an extra in a low-budget film. it was close to my job in midtown and they were offering free trader joe's wine, so i figured, sure, why not. after standing around for a while drinking, we were asked to silently act like we were at a bumping apartment party, which i did, and then, poof! like that, a year or so later, it became part of breaking upwards, a small indie film starring real-life couple, zoe lister-jones and daryl wein. the trailer is here, and i suggest you get the film on IFC on demand, because it is really really good, which is impressive given its ludicrously low budget, and it made me cry at the end (to avoid spoilers, i will not tell you how it touched me enough to make the floodgates open). also, my head is in the trailer and it's my on-screen debut! (besides the film student flicks i was in for my friends in college, which can be found on youtube, but no, i will not link them).

Breaking Upwards Movie Trailer from Breaking Upwards on Vimeo.