growing up, my father always swore that at one point in my lifetime, the united states would see a civil war. of course i always completely ignored this conjecture, since it came from my dad, and no one ever takes their dads seriously. however this npr story made me reconsider his predictions.
it also made me imagine how completely unsexy right-wing revolutionaries would be. certainly, they could never be che guevaras (SWOON).
A new poll from Harris interactive finds that 40 percent of American adults think that Obama is a socialist; 25 percent believe that Obama was not born in the United States and is therefore not eligible to be president; 20 percent say Obama is doing many of the things that Hitler did; 14 percent say Obama "may be the Antichrist."
"I hear a very scary situation developing," says Potok. "The idea that people really have swallowed these stories in such enormous numbers is something remarkable. I covered, as a reporter, the militia movement in the 1990s, which really produced an extraordinary amount of criminal violence. And even back then, you did not hear this kind of talk so broadly spread through this society."